10 things I find extremely therapeutic

  1. Believe it or not I find that cleaning out my closet every few months when the clothes and shoes start piling up in different spaces where they dont belong, very therapeutic. But it needs to reach breaking point first. When your gym clothing are all mixed with your more fancy clothing and different pairs of shoes are in different cupboards and you have worn the same jeans atleast 3 times and it begins to lie on “the chair” instead of being hung up again…. then things are getting messy. REALLY messy. The underwear draw is a bleeding mess, you cant find the socks that you like the most or even the bra that you wear with certain tops because everything is all so muddled! THAT is when the time is right. Strike then! JUST DO IT. Open the closets and throw everything out, sit on the floor and start folding and taking out old things from scratch.  This is one of the most therapeutic but time consuming things to do. Believe me, in the end it will be worth it.

2.      Stretching and Yoga. I love to stretch and try touch my toes. I probably sit and stretch a few times a week to get all my muscles going and joints healthy. It just feels like you’re reactivating muscles and tendons that havent been worked in a while and the dull pain of the stretch is really a good pain and I sleep much better afterward.

3. Doing the dishes. I cant leave a pile of dirty dishes in the sink. Especially when I know there wont be a domestic coming over to help me do a spring clean or thorough clean of my place. I find that cleaning up after myself, usually by washing the dishes once a few items are in the sink, it makes me feel like i’ve done some chores and I feel really good about myself.

4. Brushing my cats. Okay. So you have to like animals and you need to have the patience to sit with a pet brush and just give a good brush for like 10 or 15 minutes. Listening to them purr away and watching the brush build up with so much fluff that you could actually build another whole cat is actually very therapeutic. Not only are you grooming your fluffy friend but catching all that hair and preventing it from getting all over your furniture and house is pretty great!

5. Watering my garden. I love the idea that watering my garden will make my grass greener and make my plants grow. Everytime I see the rose bushes have a new bud coming up, I take out the hose pipe and I water the garden and all the plants and I love to see new flowers blossom. Its the feeling of feeding the Earth and particularly on scorchers like today, its so calming and relaxing when your feet get all wet and you can walk around barefoot getting cooled down. I know deep down my garden and plants are thanking me. AND my cats! they love to hide in the shade of the shrubs so they need to keep being healthy and watered at all times.

6. Cardio at the gym. I just work off my entire day. If I have had a horrible week or day, walking on the treadmill or cycling for 30 minutes or an hour is just what I need. You kind of sweat the old horrible day off of you and you release all the endorphins and your body feels great and healthy and I just have such a great, positive outlook afterward. Nothing like a great cardio session at the gym for some therapy for the mind, body and soul.

7. Deleting old messages and photos off of my phone. LET  GO OF THE PAST!! YUCK! You dont need that picture of you and the ex, no matter how hot you look in the photo. Let it go. The twenty selfies you took yesterday and only just used one for instagram… well there are 19 others piling up sucking up storage on your phone. I love clearing out old baggage!

8. Getting a pedicure. Self explanatory. Beautiful looking feet are better than just normal looking feet because feet are feet and that in itself is gross. (I dont like feet)

9. Completing the end of a season of a series. Its really therapeutic for me to get closure on things I’ve been thinking about in regard to something I have been watching on TV. In the middle of a season I am constantly wondering how things will end, what characters will die and what will the season culminate in?! How will the directors continue on!! The suspense kills me. At the end of a season I can turn the TV off and KNOW that I dont need to think about the outcome for another year or two until the next season is released. Its a great feeling of closure and finality.

10. Cutting off split ends. Nothing like great and healthy feeling and looking hair!

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