elephants.jpgChange:  The key to change is acknowledging that there is actually a problem or that you are not happy or that something in your life isn’t really feeling right and there is a void or a lack of fulfilment. This tends to happen more and more these days because people are lonelier and unhappier than ever before.

As humans, we are born to survive. We were designed to search for food, build little communities, be active in our daily lives, create shelter and probably “belong” which gives a person a sense of purpose. In the last 100 years, we has humans have lost a sense of purpose. Food is gathered for us, houses are built and furnished, we go to the grocery store, we have cars to travel… no need to see your brother or sister or parents… you have a phone that can easily send a measly text message with just a few words. We have stopped all sense of real communication and connection with one another.  We wake up in the morning and go to jobs and universities that train us to fulfil an idea that will give us some sort of economic value rather than a UNIQUE identity where we are making REAL contributions to the communities and societies we live in. We deal with computers, monitors, texts, emails and applications, not with one another.

Now as a person who woke up 2 years ago and realised that I had a very deep hole in my life, practising as a lawyer, pursuing a career which I thought would bring me much success and happiness including financial freedom (eventually… have you seen what Junior attorneys are paid these days?), I sometimes wonder if it was a mistake to leave a career in pursuit of happiness, soul searching, self discovery and to contribute and make a difference in causes that I am passionate about such as animal welfare, wildlife conservation, environmental protection as well as change in change the way we consume as human beings. All of my friends have careers or even just jobs and I’m 27 and jobless and have no idea what I want to do. Or I know what I want to do but it doesn’t earn a living. Now tell me… would you encourage any person caught in a dead-end job or life to make the CHANGE if you knew that a few years later you would be living off savings and loans and stuck between a rock and a hard place?

I wouldn’t. If I knew then what I know now, I wouldn’t have left my career and I would have 4 years post qualification experience in the legal field, be making a ton of money in a corporate environment and I would be able to rescue all the animals I wanted, financially, not physically and I would be able to meet all my bills and eat out every week and travel to new countries every year. How can you compare the two? Society has made it SO difficult for people to be true to themselves and their inner callings and what they’re passionate about and that if you do, you’ll spend your life paying the consequences. Am I the only one that feels that doing what you love is a constant struggle?

I would like to think that there are higher forces at work than just my own ego and beliefs. Some people call that God or a higher power or whatever but apparently concealing how we really feel is how we do things these days. We hide everything, sweep it under the rug and there it sits and gathers dust until the pile of shit under the rug becomes SO intolerable that you end up having a break down and need to end up doing all sorts of therapy, healing, going to psychiatrists, taking all sorts of meds and then you end up AGAIN… thinking that something needs to CHANGE. This is how the world has become. We are born into systems that make us so incredibly unhappy and trapped that we cant actually make changes and if we do, we are stuck with low earning potential, being misunderstood, feeling lost and helpless and then again, back into the system in the form of “depression and anxiety” resulting in doctors who makes money off of us with meds.

It’s not a negative post, its a reality and thought process I have been having for a while and probably thought that a lot of people out there could relate to it and might actually have the same feelings and maybe reading this might make you feel better and just know you aren’t alone in the whole circle of life! There are us few who exist in the middle of nowhere still trying to find out who we are and where we belong in this big bad world 🙂

While you try figure that out, you can always save some kittens and push this shit under the rug ❤






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